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This excellent and original book of folk tales by Liz Berg shares Jewish memories, authentic tales, songs and jokes told by Jews in Britain and Ireland. Here are well told tales from Bradford, Cardiff, four from Belfast, two from Birmingham and a story tour of Britain through Ramsgate to York. The story from Newcastle is “The Nigun,” the one from Falmouth is “The Amidah Horse”.  All come with a succinct history of the Jewish community in the area, and the glossary is an excellent explanation of unfamiliar words and explanations of rituals mentioned in the stories.

The Foreword is written by Pinner’s own Del Reid who says, “A twist of humour has always been part of the Jewish storyteller’s art, as has been the rare gift of healing a hurt through tears and laughter……the glitter here between the covers is a jewel box of sharing”.

Jewish Folk Tales in Britain and Ireland by Liz Berg

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